A little bit of everything. (With a twisted sense of humor.) You name it, I take requests.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


10. Tell him you are Roman Catholic.
9. Ask him for a ride in his Lincoln Continental.
8. Let him in and take him to your basement.
7. Answer the door in a towel and stiletto heels (especially if you are male.)
6. Answer the door naked.
5. Answer the door with a rolled up dollar bill and dab powdered sugar on your nostrils.
4. Let your dog out just as they approach the door and tell him the dog bites.
3. Tell him you are a practicing Pagan (Roman Catholic-- same thing to them.)
2. Tell him that you just got a blood transfusion.
And one sure fire way to get them off of your porch:

1. Tell him you are a disfellowshipped household.

(Click the items in red, they are linked.)

What a bunch of bible beating nut cases. If you ever get the opportunity to meet these "witnesses", you will be able to say that you have met the best liars, cheaters, and fornicators in the world. This "religion", or should I say cult, doesn't keep the flock on the straight and narrow, rather, it just makes them better at covering up what they do wrong. Because they also stress that anal sex is against God's laws (even between a married couple), they successfully create a rectal fetish without even realizing it.

I'd love to hear anybody's thoughts on this one.

If you have anthing to add to the top ten list, reply to this post, and if they're good, I'll edit the top ten list.


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